Energy Healing Sessions

“My session with David cleared the intense anxiety as he cut
energy cords and cleared my chakras.”

David has been trained in the Andean shamanic healing tradition. Most shamanic healing traditions work with the energy systems of the body and the energy fields around the body. Besides working with the energy systems a key difference for shamanic healing is being guided by healing spirits.



The Source of Energy Healing


From the shamanic point of view the source of existence is spirit and our access as healers is to the energetic source of existence. It is our means to access healing for a person. In the healing process the healer is working with inner guides to follow the pathway for a person to come back into the integrity and alignment of their body, mind and spirit.

One-On-One Session

A one-on-one energy healing session can provide you the opportunity to access the unconscious patterns of old emotions and challenging illnesses that are affecting your current life situation. The unconscious holds the trauma and suffering of our life and carries the story we tell ourselves in our conscious daily living. These stories carry the blocks, reactions and familiar responses that limit us in many ways and covers up the unconscious trauma. Our challenge of inner healing and development is to release the story with its resistance, reactions and physical conditions that inhibit the flow and energy of our lives.

Healing Sessions by David Kyle

How the Session Works

At the heart of the session is to first listen to your story and how it is impacting you today. As an energy process we will first cleanse the energy system and then seek from our healing spirits what is needed to release the patterns that can permit you to experience renewed energy, balance, peace and inner healing of your core issue. Specific practices are often given to continue the work done in the session. After the session we will discuss if another session is needed or not.

If you have not signed up on my email list, please do that so you can download: “Maintaining Energetic Health” that includes the practice we will do in the session. See sign up further down the page.


A healing session is a one-on-one phone session lasting 90 minutes.

The cost is $165 for the session.

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 “I’ve struggled with sleepless nights and heaviness in my body, but after David extracted an energy that had been in me for several months I felt back to my normal self.”

For information on a remote energy healing session with David, fill out the form below.